Owen County Farmers’ Market Rules & Policies

The Owen County Farmers’ Market intends to have a permanent Market mix of 70% farm vendors, 20% home- based and prepared food vendors, and 10% crafts and artisan only vendors. This mix may be adjusted as needed by the Market Manager with the consent of the Board to meet the needs of the Market and the community.

1.1  Season

The exact dates of the market will be determined on a yearly basis beginning in May and ending in September or October.

1.2  Booths & Booth Assignment

A.  A full booth will be l0′ X l0′. A vendor may pay for and use more than one booth depending on available space.

B.  Booths will be assigned based on

1.   Full season vendors from the previous Market season will have seniority.

2.   “First application in, first choice of booth” basis for the full season vendors.

3.   Daily vendors will be assigned as available by the Market Manager.

C.   ln the event of a full Market. booth priority will be:

1.   Produce and non-prepared food vendors (milk, eggs, cheese, meat, fruit, etc.)

2.   Plant growers

3.   Prepared food vendors

4.   Craft/Artisan vendors

1.3  Parking

A.  Vendors must park their vehicles away from the market site. No vending from trucks, vans, cars, etc. in the market.

B.  The Owen County Farmers’ Market is not responsible for items left at the Market.

1.4  Booth Fees & Payment Schedule

Vendors may have more than one type of booth, e.g. a full season vendor may opt to have an additional seasonal space for their product’s peak season; or choose to have an additional daily space when their production demands such. Should a vendor choose to cease vending at the Market, booth fees are non- refundable.

A.  Full season vendor: This vendor plans to be at the Market more than half the season. These vendors are required to sign a contract and pay the full-season rate of $150 prior to the start of the market. An exception is made for new vendors who want to try out the market. They may pay the daily rate of $15/week for the first one or two weeks, with the balance due by the third market if they decide to continue. A full season vendor may join the season at any time and will pay the full-season rate upon joining. Note that although full-season vendors are not required to be at the Market each week, they must let the Market Manager know prior to any week they do not plan to vend.

B.  Daily Vendors: These vendors are required to sign a contract and will pay a daily Market fee of $15.00 per space. Payment is payable by opening time of each Market the vendor will be attending.

C. Youth Drink Stand: These vendors, ages 12 and under, will pay a daily Market fee of $0.50 per space. Youth drink stands are limited to 1 per market week and can sell only lemonade, tea, or hot chocolate. Packaged fund-raising products can also be sold at the Board’s discretion, but home-baked goods or crafts cannot be sold at the Youth drink stand. Payment is payable by the opening time of each Market the vendor will be attending.

1.5  Educational/Non-Profit Community Groups

The Owen County Farmers’ Market does not permit Educational/Non-Profit groups booth space at the Market. Educational/Non-Profits will be allowed to display literature and special event fliers at the Community Informational Table located at the café area of the Market.

1.6  Demonstrations

The Owen County Farmers’ Market permits Non-Profits, Government organizations, and local businesses to reserve a booth to do demonstrations for the public free of charge. Products or services related to the organization may be sold at the booth. The Owen County Farmers’ Market Board reserves the right to approve or deny organizations based on space availability, and if the groups mission aligns with the values and goals of the Owen County Farmers Market.

1.7  Entertainers and Events

Entertainers may be granted free space as directed by the Market Manager. (See 7.3) Events will be coordinated by the events committee and the Market Manager. Entertainers may be paid by the Owen County Farmers’ Market or be sponsored by local organizations or collect donations given by the public.

Section 2: Vendor Application & Acceptance Guidelines

2.1 The Market Manager will review each applicant to decide if the following criteria are met. The Market Manager will forward the application to the Board for approval.

2.2  Criteria for Application Acceptance

A.  Salability: The product should sell well in a farmers’ market setting.

B.  Compatibility. The product should fill a niche in the Market’s product mix.

C.  Stability: Can the vendor supply enough products to meet the vendor level they are applying for? Would a different category or level be more appropriate?

D.  Commitment: The vendor should be willing to commit to specific Market days.

E.  Production: Does the vendor have a substantial “hands on” contribution to the making of the product?

Section 3: Vendor and Product Guidelines

3.1  Vendors

The Board reserves the right to refuse admittance to any vendor that the Board feels does not meet the eligibility requirements or does not serve the market’s best interests. Any vendor who misses three Market days after confirming their plan to attend will not be allowed to vend.


A.  All vendors must meet all state, county, and local requirements. Before selling at the Owen County Farmers Market, vendors may be requested to supply a copy of all necessary permits and business licenses. These documents must be visibly displayed at the vendor booth at each market.

B.  Before a vendor application will be approved, the following criteria must be met:

1. Applicant must reside within a one-hundred-mile radius of the Market.

2. Applicant must not have an outstanding fee or fine from the previous season.

3. If the applicant was a vendor the previous season, they must have been in good standing and have abided by the Rules and policies of the Owen County Farmers Market.

C.  No commercial, imported, or second-hand items shall be sold by any vendor at the Market. 

D. The Market strives to provide a place where fresh and wholesome products are sold. The Market Manager is responsible for cooperating with regulatory agencies to maintain quality control at the Market.

E. Minor children may be involved in displaying and selling items in a booth if they are supervised at all times by a parent or guardian.

F.   It is recommended that vendors have liability insurance in the amount of $500K/1M.


A.  FARMERS – Farmers are persons who raise produce, meats, or dairy offered for sale at the market. The farm’s location must be within a one-hundred-mile radius of the Market.

1.   Produce: Produce includes vegetables, fruits, herbs, flowers, or nursery crops grown from seed or plants and cared for, cultivated, and harvested by the vendor. Produce can have only one field cut. Produce vendors are not required to have a food handler’s certificate, but it is recommended that they be registered with the IDOH and take Produce Safety Growers Alliance Training. Sliced produce is considered a Home-Based product (see B – Home-Based – below)

2.   Meats: Vendors can sell frozen or preserved beef, pork, elk, rabbit, goat, poultry, lamb, or other meats at the Market. Meat vendors are not required to have a food handler’s permit since their meat must be processed at a licensed state-inspected facility.

a.   Vendor must have grown, bred, or raised all animals from which meat is sold at the Market.

b.   Except for poultry and rabbits, which can be home-butchered, meats must have been prepared in a licensed state-inspected facility.

c. The vendor must continuously keep the product frozen/preserved from the time it leaves the processing facility until it is sold at the Market.

3.   Dairy: Dairy can be sold with restrictions.

a.   Vendor must have grown, bred, or raised all animals from which dairy products are sold at the Market, and the animals must have been in the Vendor’s immediate care for at least twelve months. Products from animals that have been administered growth hormones, such as rBGH, may not be sold at the Market.

b.   Vendor must process his/her own milk and milk products.

c.   All dairy products must have been maintained continuously at a temperature of 41° F or less from when it is obtained from the animal to when it is sold at the Market.

d.   Vendor must obtain and provide the Market with a current copy of the Indiana State Board of Animal Health Dairy Division permit to operate as a manufactured grade milk and/or milk processor. The Grade A Pasteurized Milk and Milk Products Act prohibits raw milk, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products.

e.   Ice cream is allowed. It must be stored at the appropriate temperature and labeled according to the requirements.

4.   Value-added Farm Products: Beekeepers, egg sellers, whole fish, poultry, and rabbit farmers who process their raw products into value-added items are also considered farmer vendors.

a.  The Indiana Department of Health states that honey, maple syrup, and sorghum are low-risk food products that fall into the “Home-Based” category (see B—Home-Based below).

b.   Mushrooms: Commercially raised mushrooms, including the common button mushroom, portabellas, shitake, enoki, Bavarian, etc., must have documentation showing their source. Wild mushrooms, such as the morel or sponge mushroom, must be individually inspected and found safe by a certified mushroom identification expert, per 410 IAC 7-24-164.

c.   Sellers of chicken eggs must have a state-issued egg license. Other types of eggs are regulated by the County Health Department. The vendor must contact the Owen County Health Department to learn what permits they require. Note that egg licenses expire on June 30 and must be renewed during the Market season.

d.   Food must not be older than 1 year from the date of selling at the market.

5.   Artisan Farm Products: Farmer vendors can sell crafted items made from at least 70% raw materials gathered or produced by the farmer. Unless the board has given prior approval, these items may not total more than 20% of the yearly gross farm sales.

6.   Plant Growers

a.   Plant growers must have plants for at least 60 days prior to sale at the market. The market manager may request plant receipts at any time to verify the possession length. If the vendor operates a greenhouse and has a start-to-finish operation, the standards committee may visit the farm/operation.

b.   Plant growers of woody shrubs must have a valid Nursery License from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources if they sell any annual or perennial plants.


Home-based Food Vendors are vendors offering food products they have processed into products offered for sale at the Market. These products include baked goods, jellies, farm, and livestock items processed by any outside source (such as meat), honey, maple syrup, sorghum, and produce cut or sliced to sell to consumers. Complete rules can be found in the Home-Based Food Addendum.

1.   Vendor must obtain and display all permits required by state and local law while selling at the Market. These include ANSI food handler permits, health department permits, and other applicable permits.

2.   If the Vendor uses well water, it must be tested. The County Health Department will provide supplies and instructions for doing this.

3.   Food must not be older than 1 year from the date of selling at the market.

4.   If a Vendor intends to prepare food at the Market, he/she must obtain prior approval from the Owen County Farmers Market for the type of activity and preparation. Overhead protection (a canopy) is needed.

5.   Foods must be labeled with the following information in at least 10-point type (also see section 5.9 below):

a.   Common name of the product

b.   Name, address, and zip code of the packer, processor/baker, manufacturer, etc.

c.   Net contents (net weight and volume or numerical count)

d.   Date on which the food product was processed

e.   If home butchered, include “Home Butchered.”

f.    Honey must include a warning: “Infants up to one year of age should not be fed raw honey.”

g.   A list of ingredients in descending order of predominance by weight, including sub-ingredients in parentheses. Sub-ingredients are things like chocolate chip ingredients, etc.

h.   The following statement “This product is home produced and processed and the production area has not been inspected by the State Department of Health. NOT FOR RESALE.”


1.   Artisans are persons who craft with their own hands the products they offer for sale at the Market. To qualify as an artisan, most of the tools and equipment the crafter uses to produce the products must require skills, personal handling, and/or guidance by the crafter.

2.   To ensure quality crafts at the Market, all artisan vendors may be juried by the Committee. Work should be done by hand or with the appropriate tools. Showing imagination, skill, and the mark of the artisan’s individuality. All works should be executed without technical faults. Artisans not accepted may reapply monthly with a new or improved product. Limitations may apply when determining the acceptance of an artisan based on the market’s current needs. Artisans who wish to sell daily or on special open-craft days must still jury their items.

3.   Items made from kits or mechanically mass-produced are unacceptable.

4.   Returning craft vendors must jury items.


A space will be available for a youth ages 12 and under to run a drink stand each week of the market.

1.   The stand is for selling drinks only—no foods or crafts, except packaged fund-raiser food (such as Girl Scout cookies or Boy Scout popcorn) can be sold at the discretion of the Board.

2.   Drinks like lemonade, iced tea, or hot chocolate can be homemade or a mix.

3. A hand washing station should be used regularly to clean hands and utensils. Hand sanitizer should not be used as a replacement for hand washing.

4.   Ice must be kept in closed/covered containers and dispensed with clean utensils. Ice used for consumption with drinks must be stored separately from ice used to keep beverage containers chilled.


Service Providers and all other Miscellaneous are vendors offering special services and other non-food items to customers at Market. These would include massage therapists, face painters, knife and scissor sharpeners, plant fertilizers, etc.

Section 4: Set Up – Loading & Unloading

4.1  Failure to Show

A reserved booth not claimed before 7:45 a.m. may be reassigned to another vendor for that day. If a vendor (full-season or daily who has indicated that they will be at the Market on a particular day) is unable to attend that day, they are required to notify the Market Manager as soon as possible. Three “no-shows” without notification will result in the vendor being barred from the market. The market fee will not be refunded.

4.2  Weather

The Market is open, rain or shine, in heat and cold. However, it will close for dangerous weather (thunderstorms or damaging winds). If the market manager and board determine the weather to be dangerous prior to the market opening, vendors will be notified as quickly as possible by email, text, or phone. If dangerous conditions arise during the Market session, the Market Manager will instruct vendors to close their booths. If the Market is closed before 10:00am, a partial refund of booth fees may be made.

4.3  Set Up

Vendors may arrive at 7:30 a.m. to set up their booth. Except for sales to other vendors, no other sales will be allowed until the Market’s opening at 8:30 a.m. Due to insurance liability, vendors must remain completely set up in their booths until the Market closes at 12:00 p.m. Any vendor leaving the Market before closing could be assessed a $50.00 fine due before the next Market day. The Market Manager has the authority to authorize a vendor to leave early for emergencies or other reasons if the public’s and other vendors’ safety will not be endangered.

4.4  Canopy & Table: Set Up & Tear Down

A.  All vendors are responsible for setting up and tearing down canopies, tables, and displays for their booth.

B.  Booth spaces will be marked by the Market Manager.

C.   All vendors erecting canopies at the Market must have their canopy sufficiently and safely anchored to the ground from the time their canopy is put up to when it is taken down. The Market requires a minimum of 24-pound weights on each of the four corners of the canopy. (Note: a gallon of water weighs 8 pounds. A gallon of sand weighs approximately 12.5 pounds. A gallon of concrete weighs approximately 20 pounds.) Any vendor who has been found by the Market Manager to have failed to anchor their canopy properly will be required to either:

1.   Anchor their canopy appropriately.

2.   Remove their canopy for that Market day.

3.   Refrain from selling at the Market for that Market day.

D. The state requires vendors preparing food in their booths (e.g., making and selling sandwiches) to have a canopy.

E.   All vendors are responsible for policing their booth areas after tearing them down and leaving their area clean. Vendors who do not police their area will not be allowed to sell at the next Market.

F.   On market days when high wind is forecast, the market manager may request that no tents be used that day. Similarly, the Market Manager may request that tents be taken down if high winds come up. The OCFM will not be responsible for damage caused by high winds.

4.5  Signage

Vendors may have a sign at their Market booth. Additional signs are permitted as long as they are in good taste and do not interfere with neighboring booths.

4.6  Vendor Displays

Displays must not block access to adjoining booths, and display and selling techniques must not impair other vendors’ ability to sell.

Section 5: Regulatory Policies

5.1  Alcohol/Drugs

Drugs and consumption of alcohol are not permitted in the market. If the Market Manager believes that a vendor or customer is intoxicated or under the influence of drugs. they have the authority to ask the vendor/customer to leave immediately.

5.2  Behavior

All vendors, their children, and staff, whether at the Market site, board meetings, committee meetings, or Market functions, will behave professionally toward Market customers, vendors, staff, and volunteers. The Market Manager and the Board reserve the right to remove any individual who is disrespectful or disruptive.

5.3  Discrimination/Sexual Harassment

A.  It is the policy of the Owen County Farmers’ Market to comply with Federal equal opportunity laws.

B.  All vendors, staff, and board members shall project the necessary attitudes and behavior to ensure that sexual harassment and/or discrimination do not occur.

C.   Members of the Market, Market employees, vendors, entertainers, and any other persons participating in the Market shall not discriminate against any individual concerning selling of products, hiring, promotion, discipline or any other matters because of age, gender, race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, or the presence of any physical, mental, or sensory disability.

D.  The Market will not tolerate instances where a vendor or staff member is retaliated against for complaining of sexual harassment or discrimination. Confidentiality will be maintained when possible.

E.   The following actions will be considered sexual harassment: Promise of employment or continued employment made implicitly or explicitly predicated on sexual activity as a condition of employment; Implicit or explicit coercive sexual behavior to control, influence or affect any employee, contractor, customer, potential customer, or vendor; Deliberate or unsolicited verbal comments, gestures, or physical contacts of a sexual nature which are unwelcome or interfere with work performance or create an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.

5.4  Firearms

No firearms or fireworks are permitted in the Market.

5.5  Animals

A.  Animals permitted in the Market must be on a leash and comply with town ordinances.

B.  See attachment A. DOG POLICY.

C.   The Market Manager and the board members reserve the right to remove any animals not under control by their owner or that pose a danger to vendors and market patrons.

D.  Petting Zoo, Pony Rides, and other animal attractions must be located at least twenty (20) feet away from food items.

5.6  Health Practices

All vendors must adhere to sanitary procedures as outlined by the Owen County Health Department. Any vendor found selling contaminated foodstuffs or produce shall be suspended from selling operations until satisfactory cleaning has been obtained from the Owen County Health Department. The Health Department will conduct unannounced inspections of the market.

A.  Vendors must have hand sanitizer available. (The Owen County Health Department will make hand sanitizer available.)

B.  Face shields or masks are available for vendors at the market.

C.   If the vendor is selling food that can be eaten at the Market, the vendor should encourage the purchaser to use hand sanitizer before eating the food.

D.  Encourage customers not to handle produce and then put it back.

E.   Neither the vendor nor the customer should touch samples – samples may be distributed with tongs, food tissues, or in individual packages.

5.7  Insurance

The Owen County Farmers’ Market does not require vendors to carry liability insurance; however, it is recommended that producers do so for their own protection. Note: per the Terms of Agreement, Owen County Farmers Market does not cover any liability claims made against individual vendors.

5.8  Logo Use

Vendors wishing to use the Owen County Farmers’ Market logo must apply in writing to the Board of Directors.

5.9  Labeling

A.  Use of the word “organic” is restricted to those who have been so certified by the Department of Agriculture. Organic growers who sell less than $5,000.00 annually are not required to be certified to label their products organic.

B.  Vendors cannot use health or nutritional claims on their labels.

C.   All vendors are required to advertise truthfully and respond to customer questions.

5.10  Pricing

The pricing of goods sold at the Market is solely the responsibility of the individual vendor. We suggest that for good community and vendor relationships, the items sold at the Market not be priced below 80% of the current area retail price.

5.11  Skateboards, Roller Blades, and Bicycles

Riding skateboards, rollerblades, or bicycles is not allowed in the Market. 

5.12  Radio & Other Sound Systems

No sound that can be heard outside an individual vendor’s booth will be allowed.

5.13  Tobacco Products

Smoking or smokeless tobacco products are not allowed in the Market. This is also to include e-cigs/vape.

5.14 Vendor Illness Policy

Vendors with communicable or infectious food-borne illnesses are restricted from participating in the market. Vendors with symptoms including but not limited to vomiting, diarrhea, fever, jaundice, or sore throat related to diseases such as Hep A, E Coli, Norovirus, Salmonella, and Shigella should not participate in the handling of food products. They will be asked to refrain from vending while ill and at least 24-48 hours after illness passes. Vendors with symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, difficulty breathing, headache, loss of taste of smell) are restricted from participating in the market. Vendors may find temporary stand help to maintain their stand and sell items while primary vendor is unavailable.

Section 6: Complaints, Appeals & Disciplinary Procedures

6.1 Enforcement of Market Policies

A.  On site at the Market, the Market Manager will decide if any vendor is failing to adhere to Market policy. Such failure will result as follows:

a.   1st offense: a verbal warning

b.   2nd offense: a written warning

c.   3rd offense: expulsion from the Market for that day

d.   4th offense: expulsion from the Market for the remainder of the season

e.   The vendor is responsible for packing their product, belongings, and cleaning up their area when asked to leave the Market. If the vendor does not pack their own product and belongings, the Market Manager has the authority to appoint others to do so. The Owen County Farmers’ Market will not be held liable for any damage caused during such packing. The vendor is legally responsible for any damage that may occur when being escorted from the Market.

B.  At off-site Market gatherings, the Market Manager, President of the Board, or the Chairperson of the event will determine if any vendor or participant is failing to adhere to the policies set for the event. Failure to adhere to these policies will result in:

a.   1st offense: a verbal warning

b.   2nd offense: expulsion from the event which will be documented in writing via the minutes and a written notice to the offender by the person in charge of the meeting/event.

c.   3rd offense: expulsion from Market events for the remainder of the season which will be documented in writing via the minutes and a written notice to the offender by the person in charge of the meeting/event.

6.2. Product Challenge

The Market’s intent and purpose is to offer fresh, high-quality goods and farm-direct products. Products deemed inconsistent with Market guidelines may be challenged by any vendor, the Market Manager, or any Board member. A challenge process will be as follows:

A.  Vendor will receive written notice of the challenge.

B.  Vendor will be required to respond, in writing, to the challenge before the following Market day.

C.   The challenge will be resolved within one week of receiving the vendor’s written response to the satisfaction of the Market Manager and two Board members who will be chosen by lottery.

D.  The disciplinary process will be as follows:

a.   1st offense: a written warning

b.   2nd offense: one-week suspension from the Market

c.   3rd offense: forfeiture of all Market spaces for the remainder of the season. ln order to participate in the next Market season as a vendor, the vendor’s application must be presented to the Board for consideration. Two-season expulsions will result in permanent disbarment from the Market.

6.3 Vendor, Staff & Board Rights

Should a vendor, Market staff, or Board member feel that another vendor, Market staff, or Board member has acted outside the authority of their position or acted in a way that has harmed the Owen County Farmers’ Market as a whole, the following steps should be taken:

A.  The complaint must be in writing and include the following:

a.   Name(s) of the person(s) involved. including the person filing the complaint.

b.   A clear and specific description of the problem

c.   If applicable. a clear and specific description of the attempted resolution of the problem

B.  Copies of the complaint should be sent to all persons involved in the matter, Market Manager and the Board.

C.   The President of the Board will acknowledge the receipt of the complaint and recommend within fourteen (14) days. A course action for dealing with the complaint. The course of action may include, but is not limited to:

a.   Mediation between the affected parties.

b.   Setting up a committee of the Board to hear the complaint from all sides. The committee will recommend a course of action to the Board.

c.   The President may suggest to the Board that the complaint needs to be dealt with through other channels.

6.4 Appealing a Challenge, Disciplinary Action, or Rights of Violation

A.  The appeal must be in writing and include the following:

a.   Name(s) of the person(s) filing the appeal

b.   A clear and specific description of the problem

c.   If applicable. a clear and specific description of attempted resolution of the problem.

B.  Copies of the appeal should be sent to all the persons involved in the matter, Market Manager, and the Board.

C.   The President of the Board will acknowledge the receipt of the appeal and recommend within fourteen (14) days, a course of action for dealing with the appeal. The course of action may include, but is not limited to:

a.   Mediation between the affected parties.

b.   Setting up a committee of the Board to hear the appeal. The committee will recommend a course of action to the Board.

c.   If after completion of the recommended course of action, the situation remains unresolved. the President shall schedule a meeting of the Board within ten (10) days.

d.   The Board of Directors has final authority in deciding the outcome of any appeal that is not resolved through mediation. The Board reserves the option to recommend that the appeal be dealt with through other channels.

Section 7: Entertainment Application and Acceptance Guidelines

7.1 Entertainers are a welcome and vital part of the Owen County Farmers’ Market. They are invited to the Market for the color, variety, and culture they bring to the atmosphere and to enhance the sales environment for the Market vendors. Entertainers must not perform in a way that interferes with the commerce of the Market and must abide by all Market rules.

7.2  Busking

Busking will be allowed; however, performers must register with the Market Manager on their first time at the Market. Performers will check in with the Market Manager each Market they wish to perform to receive their location assignments. Under no circumstances may entertainers perform without permission of the Market Manager. Entertainers will not be charged for the privilege of performing at the Market. Buskers must be respectful of scheduled entertainment and refrain from performing in a way that will detract of the scheduled entertainment’s performance. Should several buskers come to the Market at the same time, the Market Manager may assign times for each busker to perform.

7.3  Contract & Scheduled Entertainment

Entertainers invited to perform at the Farmers’ Market may sell merchandise such as CD’s with Board approval. Entertainers are asked to provide samples of the items they wish to sell to the Board at least two weeks prior to the Market at which they are scheduled to appear.

Section 8: Vendor Inspections

8.1  Purpose of Inspection

The purpose of vendor inspections is to assure that products sold at the Market are vendor-produced as required in the Bylaws (Article 2.2 A) and that the vendor lives and works in the 100-mile radius specified in the Bylaws (Article 2.2 A). Inspectors will note production capabilities of the facilities they visit. If a discrepancy is apparent, the Market Manager may deny the vendor access to the Market. This decision may be appealed to the Board for final resolution.

8.2  Inspections

A.  Vendors agree to one farm/site visit per season. The Board and/or Market Manager may choose to make a visit when complaints have been made to the Market Manager that items are not grown or produced by the vendor and the vendor has not applied to vend as a partnership or co-op with other producers.

B.  Vendors who have a change of address. change of items. or change of other circumstances must inform the Market Manager of such changes: inspections may be required in these instances.

C.   If the inspection team cannot verify that a vendor produces their own product the vendor may be banned by the Market Manager. The vendor may appeal to the Board.

Please note that the Owen County Farmers’ Market reserves the right to modify or update its policies and procedures at any time, with or without prior notice.